Sunday, April 26, 2009


Thank you for making my humble little blog and I feel so welcome here. Haven't gotten much done at home all weekend but I have made some new friends. Remember the old saying; 'Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold'? Or was that a little song? We used it in Girl Scouts one year when my daughter was little. Such a long time ago!

Well, Ron made the long flight early this a.m. to help our daughter move to the southwest. Pray they have a safe and uneventful trip. Thank you new friends! Here is a little something for you to use in your art. On the WINGS of an ANGEL! (Don't forget to provide a link back to WLLF).


  1. Made my way here via Dawn's's beautiful here! Welcome to the land of blog!

  2. I pray your blog will "fly" on angel wings! I really appreciate the art you have posted. Isn't blogging FUN? Best of luck & a wonderful week ahead..sharon

  3. Hi Linda, so nice to know you..
    your classy little blog was just very beautiful.. I've linked your blog..


Thanks for taking time to comment and visit QBC. :)