Friday, March 12, 2010

Vintage St. Patrick's Day and Jennifer...

We claim our Irish heritage. Daughter number one was born on St. Patrick's Day.
March 17, 1973 @ 3:30 a.m. She is the best! She adds class to our family. Her name is Jennifer.
I still love the name we chose for her. She looks like a Jennifer. She strongly resembles her maternal grandmother. Her hair is a light chestnut with some auburn.  Started getting freckles around age 4.

Yes, she tried removing her freckles with a lemon scrub when
she was a teenager. It didn't work! She works hard and has a long ongoing relationship with
school. ;-)  Yup, she's working on her nursing degree.
The elderly love her because she has a gentle nature
and highly respects our old people of America.
Psssst.....she has a boyfriend.
My little girl has grown into a beautiful,
classy, independent woman. She's my one and only
For the next few postings I'll celebrate her with vintage
St. Patrick's Day images. These vintage postcards are from
It's one of my favorite places to find
vintage images.

Images courtesy Vintage Clip Art
Aren't they sweet?


  1. Wanted to let you know my post today was about your blog and the lovely images you always share. The little girl with the kittens was my favorite today! Thanks for brightening my mornings with your generous sharing! deb

  2. Thank you for the adorable images. You can look at your beautiful Jennifer and see her Irish roots. Can't help but love the Irish. Carol

  3. Your daughter is a very beautiful woman.

  4. All your ladies you shared with us today are beautiful! Hope she has a wonderful birthday. The leprechauns always come and visit us on St. Patrick's Day, so we are eagerly awaiting their visit. (Well, the kids are, those guys really do a number on my house)

    Have a wonderful weekend Linda, and I love school also. Lucky girl getting to go to school, again!

  5. Happy birthday to your pretty Jennifer! My daughter was born in 12 th March 1993, so today is her 17th birthday! :o)
    I think Jennifer is accepting her pretty freckles now? In Austria the word for freckles is "Sommersprossen" (summer scion) and there is an old song: "Ich bin ja so verschossen / in deine Sommersprossen / die kleinen und die grossen / die hab ich lieb" (I fell in love with your freckles / the small ones and the large ones / I love them all!) Isn't that nice? :o)
    Hugs, Traude
    PS: Love your vintage images!

  6. Anonymous12.3.10

    Good selection of the St Pat's pics!! They totally look like Jennifer. I am very glad, as I am sure you are, that she moved closer to you!!! Every young woman needs her mother!
    Going to Annette's tonight, cutting Isaac's hair!! :) Can't wait to see him, and Shannon too!
    Have a great weekend, and will talk to you soon!
    XOXOXOX, Beth

  7. Your Jennifer is a beautiful young woman :) You must be so proud of her!
    The vintage images are beautiful, too..thanks :)

  8. Oh yes, they are indeed sweet! And she is a beauty!

  9. Hi Linda!
    Jennifer is a lovley lass, and the images are so wonderful!

  10. your jennifer is a lovely irish beauty!

    and so is your blog! you have combing
    two of my favorite things, sheets of
    music and robin's egg blue.


  11. You've a lovely daughter; give her a hug for me.

  12. Let me first say your Jennifer is GORGEOUS! My husband's family is of Irish decent and we too have a Jennifer, as well as a Shannon, a Meghan and a Kaitlyn. Thanks too for sharing the beautiful images!!

  13. Hi there. Thanks so much for mentioning Vintage Holiday Crafts and providing a link! I just wanted to make one small correction though. It's fine for people to use our images any way they want, as long as our terms of use are followed. They can find a link to the terms in the left column of our home page.

    Thanks again and have a good St. Patrick's Day. :-)


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