Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wisconsin, My Destination

Wisconsin winters can be the most beautiful...

...and the most treacherous!
Why am I going this time of year? Our aging parents need us.
It'll be a wonderful time of reminiscing and always
laughing, as our family looks back with fond memories. I leave Tuesday
early a.m. for Phoenix Sky Harbor and changing planes in
Chicago, then my final destination is Green Bay.
White Lake, WI Weather at this moment is -2 !!
Eeeekkkkk! Brrrrrrrr! Shiver!
"Over the river and through the woods, to grandmothers house we go!"


  1. Safe travels to you. I live on the WI/IL border in Rockford, so I know what the winters are like.

    Savor the moments....

  2. You are going to be so close!!! Live just outside of Minneapolis. I do have to say, it is going to be cold here this weekend, so bundle up! Just think sunny thoughts, and the cold just goes away. I swear, it works...

    Wisconsin is beautiful anytime of the year... I know your sister had beautiful photos to share with us. You will love being back to pretty snowfalls...

    If you were to get bored, and are close to MN, just give me a holler.
    Take care, have a wonderful trip, hope your parents are well, it's so tough watching the aging process. I am sad my dad is not going to be playing broom ball with us this winter. My kids have the best memories of playing broom ball with grandpa. I am thankful for those, but still hate to think of my dad as not being young anymore. (can't say the o word...)

  3. Safe travels, my friend. We'll be going in March. brrrr! It will still be winter then, too!
    Keep in touch and best wishes for your parents.

  4. Hope you have a safe travel, it looks beautiful of course in Texas we have no clue what that looks like.. :) We freak out if it drops below 30.

  5. Have a nice time at your parents home, I'm from Gillett,wi and now live in Plymouth,Wi. White lake is not that far from where I grew up. That first picture with the high snow banks along the road_I remmeber well! our farm had those same banks along our country road. Take care and blessings, Carol Mae

  6. Beautiful winter photo's :) We're from Iowa and I just took several pix because it really is so beautiful :) I must say..I've had my fill of snow, sleet, freezing rain and sub zero temps! Travel safely and I hope you add to your wonderful memories!

  7. OH my! That looks like a mountain pass. I had no idea they got that much snow in Wisconsin! Safe travels!

  8. Enjoy your trip ~ Safe Travels!

    As you're passing through or over the Milwaukee area...wave hello to my friends and family!! I now live in Michigan (same weather practically)...but grew up in Wisconsin!

    Don't get too "Robin's Egg Blue" in all that cold, snowy weather! LOL!! Stay warm!


  9. stay safe and WARM!!!

  10. Sure is beautiful to look at... I recall Pa. winters being like that.. Here in Oklahoma, they aren't anywhere near that bad, but are definately bad enough for everyone who lives and travels around here to have lots of problems.. since alot of the people who live here are not used to having and living with all that snow on a winter fulltime I did back in Pa.

    We are thinking about traveling to Phoenix, AZ the middle of next visit with our daughter and our middle son who will also be visiting his sister there.. We are thinking about driving there.. Just taking a couple days driving time, for us to get there and back home again... It's about a 14 hour drive or so away from here, and if we break the driving time up into a couple days, it won't be so bad I don't think..

    Have a safe trip, stay warm and enjoy and have a wonderful visit with your family..


  11. Beautiful pictures..stay safe and warm.

    Miss Bloomers

  12. Beautiful pictures Linda! Have a safe and wonderful time while you are there!

    Stay warm!

  13. be careful... beautiful photos... thanks for sharing...

  14. Fantastically beautiful photos!

  15. Gorgeous snow, as long as you don't have to drive.
    Safe travelling.

  16. Wow, that first photo is amazing - how did they plow it out like that? I've never seen such Winter! I wish you a safe journey.

  17. I pray that you have a safe trip and that you enjoy all the family love you can stand. I hope your parents are doing okay and that you come back with the most lovely memories to share. Love those pictures although I doubt I would love being in it very long.

    Stay warm and safe. Hugs....Tracy :)

  18. Wow, that's a lot of snow!!! Have a safe and lovely time with your family.


  19. Angels to the left, Angels to the right,,,safe travels are in my prayers for you.

  20. Hurray for you! I understand totally. Doesn't it warm your heart to know that we're helping our parents when they really need it. (Sometimes being there is all we can do, but that is still important). Hope your trip was wonderful.



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