Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time is The Essence...

Lately I've been wanting to change some wall pictures, take down things
that have been around for a while and replace with simpler arrangements.

I arranged these old clock and pocket watch faces
on a 14" wide column before going into the kitchen.

It's nice to look at little collections of things I have
instead of leaving them tucked away so no one can see them.

Also, I've been arranging little petite
tins filled with tiny watch parts, gears, hands
screws, and those inner screws are just about
microscopic so I use a magnifier to be sure I don't lose them!

These tiny vials hold many pieces of the inner parts of watches.
Each vial is 1-1/4" high. They look like something a fairy would
carry around. :)

I love my collections of clock and watch faces.
I have a couple of watch faces just under 1/2" in diameter.
Maybe they come smaller, or is it my eyesight?
They just seem so tiny.

My sister sent these old coupon booklets, never been used.
From WW2, I think to purchase fire wood, flooring, or pallets.
In the early 1900's Yawkey Bissell Lumber Co. (in northern Wisconsin) was work
for many of the townsfolk.
White Lake has had a population of 375 people for the last 60 years.

Ten dollars worth of anything was alot of money in the 1940's. That would buy
3 or 4 bags of groceries back then! Today it would buy maybe 1/4 brown paper bag of groceries.

Feel free to use these last 3 images for your artwork. Thanks for stopping by.
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. THANK YOU!!!!!
    Your package has arrived and it is GORGEOUS! I couldn't believe my eyes! You have been so generous! Everything is so pretty, so lovely, so sweet! You have put together a package so exquisite, that even my husband adored it! Thank you so very much!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing the great images!
    Kindly, ldh

  3. LOVE the clock faces on the wall!!!! I often want to change the displays or things in my home but, the thought of all of the nail holes as I do this is a bit overwhelming. How do you deal with this problem? Have a great weekend! Charlene

  4. Love the faces of time on the walls. Sea Witch

  5. Once again I find we have a love for the same things. I have clocks all over my house, but not the wonderful collection that you have. I would love to have more like yours but I don't think I have any more wall space to put them!!!
    I've been meaning to email you but I am at work and can't email from here. Would you email me your address? I have something for you that I found at a garage sale that I think you might like. It would make me happy to be able to send them to you. Talk to you soon!

    My Desert Cottage

  6. The clock faces are so cool! I might just have to start collecting them myself.
    Love the coupon books too.

  7. Love the clock goodies Linda! The old coupons are very kewl.
    Joy in your day!

  8. WONDERFUL nostalgic arrangements! I love them!
    Hugs, Traude

  9. Love your collection of watch goodies. You should display it will make you and bunches of others happy!
    smiles, alice

  10. love the clocks. Never thought to just hang the hands like that. Aren't old clocks just wonderful..

  11. Thanks for sharing Nice Information and Beautiful Image. Charm Trail


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